This pandemic came unannounced on new year’s eve and is surely the guest that has overstayed its welcome.  People all over the world were pushed into their houses, quarantined with family and friends, saying goodbye to the outside world. But was this lockdown period all that bad and stressful? Of Course not!  This is really a historic event that our grandchildren are going to ask us about for many years to come. So when they do ask us, how do we show them our time in the COVID-19 pandemic? Confined at home during the 2020 coronavirus lockdown, there were many candid moments that made us reach out to the camera and click some memorable photographs. These photographs may not be as fancy as wedding pictures and photoshoot clicks, but they will forever hold a special place in our lives.  Let’s look back at some of our sweetest and eternal lockdown memories that we captured in our hearts and in-camera. 

Work from home Hues

Offices and co-workers were replaced by zoom meetings and family gatherings. Many people converted their homes into full-time offices. In reality, this experience has been up and down for all of us. Work schedules have been adjusted as needed to allow time for midday lunch and nap and the (absolutely impossible) task of trying to balance full-time childcare with full-time work. We stay connected on Zoom calls (with cameos from my team members’ adorable kiddos) and with Slack messages, and folks, we’re hanging in there! These hustle and bustle moments were our favorite memories of lockdown.

Trying out new recipes

Many weeks of lockdown have gone by pretty quickly by making new recipes such as Dalgona coffees and biscuit cakes. Social Media stories were flooded with glossy pictures of delicious meals and cuisines made by people all around the world. Lost in the back-and-forth was the fact that for many of us (with similar or more privileges than me), food was playing an important role in various ways—as an excuse to call an old friend or family member, as a way to connect to distant cousins on family WhatsApp groups, as a means to help the hungry or as a coping mechanism when the uncertainty got too much to bear.

Kids and Pets

With schools closed, many of us are spending more time at home with our children than ever before. And while it was challenging, it also gave us so much unforgettable time with our kids and pets. It was like a long summer vacation with our kids and pets playing in the backyard, drawing and painting walls, watching TV, dancing and singing in the hallways, and much more. The pandemic is (hopefully) a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence that will be remembered, but children – especially younger ones – will find it difficult to recall exactly what happened and how it felt in the future. A photo book that contains current events, as well as family memories, will become a memento that will be treasured for a lifetime, and putting it together can be an enjoyable family activity as you share your thoughts and experiences and discuss what to include.

An interesting reflection, perhaps, of the way the lockdown has affected us. It’s not just the disease, it’s the lockdown that has turned our lives upside-down. Someday, perhaps, this lockdown will be history. Now we are almost there in the post-COVID-19 era, we will look back in time and reminisce our favorite lockdown memories through videos, photographs. Make sure to capture as many photos and videos as you can and compile them into your own lockdown special album via Album Xpress. 


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