As a wedding photographer we know how important it is to stay productive. Especially when the wedding season is round the corner, managing your workflow can seem daunting. Right from meeting clients, booking orders, going for the shoot, handling social media posts and what not the list is endless.

Being a wedding photographer often it would be tiring and unproductive sometimes while handling a lot of stuff at the same time. But what if we say that you can actually improve productivity and you could actually be able to manage more tasks and complete them on time?

Read more to know the 6 easy ways to improve productivity for wedding photographers.

Focus on What’s Important

First things first, Prioritize your goals and act accordingly. Assign yourself and your team a SMART goal. Smart goals are nothing but a set of short term targets that must be achieved within a stipulated time. 

Setting clear short-term goals and developing a plan for achieving them can be the single best way to increase your productivity. That's because when you define your goals, you get the internal motivation to focus on your work.

Secondly, use google Calendar to schedule important dates of wedding shoots of your clients and set reminders for each event. In this way, you will always stay updated and be prepared before the final shoot day.

Have the habit of saying NO to your clients to avoid any last minute hustle. If your schedule is already going busy, it's better not to accept any new client order. It is always better to believe in quality work than to perform below average in every order. 

Streamline your Social Media activity

Create a proper content calendar in advance to ensure your social media activity is not hampered due to your busy schedule. Look for photos & videos to share on social media that get maximum engagement and are appraised for your work.

-Some social media post ideas

-Share photos of your recently completed project

-Give a glimpse into some behind the scenes of your on-going project

-Satisfied Customer Testimonial

-Share some photography tips & tricks 

-Quick Album Designing Hacks

Planning and scheduling all your content for the week or month at once can ensure your social media is consistent and efficient.

You can always use Facebook’s Meta Business Suite to schedule all your image & video posts. And the great thing about this is that under one platform you can schedule it for Instagram as well.

List down your photography shots before the Wedding Day

For this you can always look at your captured pre-wedding photos. These photos will help you to decide on the angles, positions and poses that you can opt for on the wedding day. This gives you an idea about the different photography styles and can be listed down in advance to save extra time and act more on the actual wedding day.

Write Efficiently

For most of the wedding photographers writing is not their cup of tea but believe it or not blogging does really help. Blogs on your website help you to showcase your expertise in the industry and what's better than you being hired for the skills you are actually a master in.

What to write can be a big question for you but you can simply start by writing about your recent wedding photoshoot experience, give out some photography tips & tricks, best photography equipment to use, etc. 

Write down some blog topic ideas and create a writing workflow. Once you get a hold of the flow it will be easier for you to write articles. For any spelling and grammar mistakes always take the help of some online tools such as Grammarly and Hemmingway App.

Use Smart Album Designing Software

Simplify your album designing process by using an auto-album designing software. To be more productive it is essential to adopt some modern technology in your photography business. We recommend using Dgflick's Album Xpress software. Album Xpress software is the number one choice of any photographer who always wants to create the best wedding album designs for their best customers.

It is also known to be called as ‘Auto-Album designing’ software due to its advanced time-saving features and amazing ready template collection making it a go-to software for wedding album designing.

Effectively Utilize your Off Wedding Season period

We know throughout the wedding season you must be busy with your clients photography and completing album designing orders. But what about the non-wedding season? Make the most of your non wedding season by considering some of the ideas.

-Take up Engagement Photoshoot projects

-Network more with other photographers and also with vendors like event managers and food caterers

-Expand your knowledge by enrolling yourself into photography courses or attend webinars

-Practice more with new photography styles and trends

-Share your expertise by giving lessons to new photographers.

All these ideas mentioned above can be really helpful for you to define a new way to earn an extra income source and also work upon yourself while being productive at the same time. 


These are the 6 ways that can help you build healthy working habits and be more productive.

Though this might seem contradictory, taking some time off is also essential. In the long run, a tired and overworked photographer isn’t the most productive. Structure your work schedule in such a way that you can take out some leisure time to help rejuvenate your body & mind. So work smarter and build a successful professional wedding photography business by being more advanced & efficient


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