The wedding album has long been the traditional way to showcase and preserve precious images from your big day. Since this wedding album is cherished by friends and family members for the years to come to relive those happy moments of the wedding day. So it is very important to design a perfect wedding album with photo album design software that is modern, attractive and at the same time suits the mood and feel of the scenario in which the photos were clicked. One thing that cannot be ignored is setting and adjusting the photos in a chronological order that may act as a series of memories just as a movie reel.

Nowadays lot of couples opt for a modern wedding album that looks very realistic and out of the box. So for designing an attractive modern page you need to invest in a good wedding album design software like Album Xpress where you can design wedding album pages with quick readymade templates and even you can design your own page with your own creativity.

Now let us understand what is Page Composition when designing a wedding photo album. The general term for composition usually applies to not only visual arts but to music, dance, literature, and virtually any other kind of art. In general, the term “composition” has two distinctive, yet related meanings. First and foremost, “composition” describes the placement of relative objects and elements in a work of art. Now that we know the general term of composition and it is not much different from the point of view of photography and editing. Composition of a page for any occasion whether it is a pre-wedding, wedding ceremony, or baby shower all the events must be designed very creatively not losing out the actual essence of the picture.

4 Essential Rules for Page Composition that you must know :

Background Image

For any image to look elegant and extraordinary, background plays a major role it highlights the overall look of the photo with the addition of intricate patterns and layers. Background selection must be in sync with the actual scene in the photo and what the photo wants to say.

Scaling and positioning 

The base of page editing begins with giving a proper scale to the image so that the image does not look pixelated. Positioning of the image is all dependent on the editor how the image is to be given the necessary look and feel.

Masking and Adjusting

Photo masking and adjusting is one of the aspects of album making software where you make the photo look different from the others either by changing the transparency level of the portion of the picture or removing it from the rest of the image.

Shapes and Clipart 

Cliparts are used to make the page look visually more interesting and innovative. Wedding album design software like Album Xpress h as clipart such as frames, flowers, hearts, diamonds etc when added it may look so amazing and give a different meaning to the photo. Shapes can be used as cutting effect or an image can be cropped inside to present it in a unique way.

Here are the steps to design an attractive modern page using simple tricks

Open Album Xpress Photo Editing Software

First add a background and import the photo

Scale the image and set the position

Add a mask and flip horizontally or vertically as required

Add a Glow effect to the first and then add another photo and adjust it with proper outlining and width

You can use multiple photos and crop them under a mask and give a shadow effect

Choose any shape, scale, and position according to the photo composition

Select any suitable clipart, adjust and place it in a creative manner

Add a text clipart and adjust it around

You can add as many cliparts as required to make the page more interesting

If that sounds confusing, don’t worry, here is a complete tutorial video of how to use a photo album design software, Click Here

Hope you got to learn something new, look for this space for more updates.


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